Legal Services

The law firm of the lawyer Fulvio Toschi specializes in criminal proceedings at all Italian Judicial Districts and the Supreme Court of Cassation.

The Criminal Law Firm is based in Bologna and provides Criminal Law Legal Advice also in English (Criminal Defense Lawyer - Attorney - Barrister - Solicitor - Criminalist - Criminal Consultant).

The Toschi Law Firm offers Assistance and Services in the main subjects of Legal Science.
Each case is treated through the analysis and skills necessary to provide in the shortest possible time and with the best assistance for any kind of criminal problem.


Offices: Viale A. Aldini 138 - 40136 Bologna Italy
Private parking for customers.
Phone: (+39) 0516440527
Fax: (+39) 0516449580


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28 years of experience in Criminal Trials

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Criminal Counseling

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(also available on holidays only for emergencies)
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